Virtues of a Mother

Yesterday a question haunted me .It may not be an important one for all.However, I wish to share it with you. Sorry, I didn't reveal the question yet!.Here it comes-- Did the person who coined the word 'mother' think of the virtues of a mother and the various roles she plays in the family?

Finally,thanks to Allah,today I could find an expansion for this blessed word.

M for Maker:God has given only the woman an opprtunity to be the maker of a baby.

O for Optimist:It is the mother who is never bowed down by the problems of her children. It is her optimism which sees through all the ups and downs of life.

T for Teacher:She is the first teacher of the child.It is also said that 'mother's lap is the first school of the child'!

H for Homemaker:It is mainly she who transforms the 'house' to a 'home'.Hope you know the difference between these two words.

E for Efficient :It is She who supposed to manges the daily routine of the house most efficiently.

R for Reformer :Who else can influence and reform the children better than a sincere mother

A Red Rose To My Mum

A  mother is a person full of care
You can't find somebody like her

Whom I can trust much
Whom I love so much

She is very special and very rare
Our Islam tells us to be more wise

Her companion leads to the Paradise
I and you must obey our mum's words

I call you everyday,I know but
In this day I would present a red red rose
Revealing to her my sincere love
"Mum I love you forever and ever"

This feeling lives within my heart
You taught me everything
Still teaching me the real life!

I will love you forever and ever

A mother is a person full of care
In my heart You are so near
In my eyes You are always a dear
With you I feel not lonely and not weard

I can't say how much You dear to me
But with my deed I try to show it
I know I will fail in it!...
But I will try forever and ever...

Now let me give you a red rose
From my deep heart.....
A red red coloured rose
With full of love and hope.