Virtues of a Mother

Yesterday a question haunted me .It may not be an important one for all.However, I wish to share it with you. Sorry, I didn't reveal the question yet!.Here it comes-- Did the person who coined the word 'mother' think of the virtues of a mother and the various roles she plays in the family?

Finally,thanks to Allah,today I could find an expansion for this blessed word.

M for Maker:God has given only the woman an opprtunity to be the maker of a baby.

O for Optimist:It is the mother who is never bowed down by the problems of her children. It is her optimism which sees through all the ups and downs of life.

T for Teacher:She is the first teacher of the child.It is also said that 'mother's lap is the first school of the child'!

H for Homemaker:It is mainly she who transforms the 'house' to a 'home'.Hope you know the difference between these two words.

E for Efficient :It is She who supposed to manges the daily routine of the house most efficiently.

R for Reformer :Who else can influence and reform the children better than a sincere mother

A Red Rose To My Mum

A  mother is a person full of care
You can't find somebody like her

Whom I can trust much
Whom I love so much

She is very special and very rare
Our Islam tells us to be more wise

Her companion leads to the Paradise
I and you must obey our mum's words

I call you everyday,I know but
In this day I would present a red red rose
Revealing to her my sincere love
"Mum I love you forever and ever"

This feeling lives within my heart
You taught me everything
Still teaching me the real life!

I will love you forever and ever

A mother is a person full of care
In my heart You are so near
In my eyes You are always a dear
With you I feel not lonely and not weard

I can't say how much You dear to me
But with my deed I try to show it
I know I will fail in it!...
But I will try forever and ever...

Now let me give you a red rose
From my deep heart.....
A red red coloured rose
With full of love and hope.

To ponder over.....

Certify your character
Nullify your greed
Amplify your behaviour
Rectify your mistake

Simplify your needs
Clarify your doubts
Testify your opinion
Beautify your life

Satisfy your husband
Gratify your wife
Justify your decision
Notify your necessity

Modify your views
Occupy your place
Verify your statement
Glorify  your Creator